Friday, January 13, 2012

World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China

World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China. My country is China and alliance code is 2S2D3T. I only will add Chinese Flag. Chinese Brothers and Sisters, please add me and let's form a powerful World War alliance. If you are not Chinese flag, will consider adding you into alliance as well but you must be of high level and a player with integrity and play fair. I don't like players who keep sanctioning other world war players and also those who keep farming especially farm on low level or inexperienced world war players. ATM is definitely welcome, please send me a link and I will definitely welcome your generosity. Once again, please add my World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T and flag is China.
World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China.
World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China.
World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China.
World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China.
World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China.


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